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BD Navigator (BD-S57)

BD Navigator (BD-S57)

Beidou Integrated Navigation Instrument is developed according to CCS "Electronic Chart System (ECS) Function, Performance and Testing Requirements (Temporary)" specification. It is a class B ECS product with IHO S-57 digital chart information as background. It is a secondary development equipment based on Canada Hemisphere Company's high-performance orientating board. It is an ideal track location and orientation measurement equipment which can meet the needs of modern navigation system. It has high precision position, heading and electronic chart information. It can work with a variety of systems and equipment, such as bathymeter, radar, wind direction anemometer, log, autopilot, AIS equipment, etc. It is also defined as the "nine in one" integrated navigation system.

  • The composition of the system equipment is flexible, and the input equipment of the system is selected according to different requirements. It is suitable for the needs of different users.

  • Two sets of industrial LCD, stainless steel standard keyboard and touch ball can be connected to form a set of high-end ECDIS system which meets the《ECS function, performance and test requirements (temporary)》standard, and realizes the alternating operation function of simple connection.

  • IHO S-57 chart can be used, users can upgrade chart (SENC) all over the world.

  • Simple operation, chart enlargement (including window enlargement), reduction, dragging, center movement, hierarchical control, designated scale, EAGLE-EYE rapid mapping function, display various state parameters, including: heading, rudder angle, given rudder angle, rudder angular velocity, AIS target, digital radar target, etc.

  • It provides 24-hour continuous track record and 720-hour interval track record and controllable track playback.

  • It provides 17 kinds of alarms or warnings, such as yaw, arrival, mooring, approaching dangerous objects, approaching the boundaries of restricted areas, AIS (CPA/TCPA) and radar (CPA/TCPA).

  • Brightness adjustment function, and provide five display background selection (bright day, normal day, dark day, morning and evening).

  • Support IEC 61162-1/2 or Guye AD-10 format: IEC format up to 10 ports, AD-10 format up to 5 ports, or mixed output of two formats.

  • 19 inch LCD.

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